03 May

Today I’m having lots of fun. Here’s how.

I don’t get to use the computer whenever I want, so I write most things out on paper first and type them up later. Today I’m writing in an old notebook and ripping out the pages when they’re finished, for easy transportation to the living room.

Ripping them out means they have those frizzy ends, ‘cuz it’s a spiral bound notebook. I’m having fun cutting off those frizzies. I’m taking pleasure from a small meaningless task. I know a lot of people who rarely smile who would tell me I’m crazy for this. But they’re the people who don’t smile and are waiting to go out with other people who read Stephen King and draw pictures of decapitated children.

I’ll stick with my paper frizzies, thank you very much. *snipsnip* heehee *snip*

02 May

Hooray! Oora! Yipee! Mom called John Hopkins this morning and asked where was my application in the process (it was sent in late) and they checked and I’m in!

Before you get the wrong idea and start thinking ‘wait, isn’t this kid 15?’ I should explain. Last summer and the summer before (and now this summer too!) I went to a camp for smart brats, called CTY (Center for Talented Youth). CTY is part of iaay (institute for the academic advancement of youth. JHU has a lot of institutes. They probably have an Ear Wax Institiute for Important Research (that’d be EWIIR, pronounced eww-ier. Now I’m just being silly.)) and is run by JHU. The part of the program I participate in in 3 week classes in the summer, at one of several colleges. I go to Franklin & Marshall in Lancaster, Penn which is the biggest and best site. It’s also a tree preserve and there are a lot of squirrels. (Did that make sense? I hope so!)

This summer I’ll be going to both sessions, and taking Math Sequence and Writing 2B: Writing and Society. I’ll see all my smart brat friends, many of whom I email daily. I’ll go to the dances, sing along to American Pie and freak out first-years and normal friends at home by lamenting that the boxer dance has died.

I felt terrible sick during 6th hour today and it was snowing on Wednesday but I’ll be spending the summer where there’s lightning bugs (they’re quite scarce in Alaska) so it’s all okay.