18 Jul

Hiking in Sitka: Gavan Hill

The town of Sitka is spread along the flat coastal edge of Baranof Island, so directly behind town are the mountains, and a couple trails that go straight up. Gavan Hill is one of them, and I’ve now been up it three Sundays in a row.

You walk through a muskeg meadow, but once you get into the woods the stairs start. At first they are pretty mild.

But it doesn’t take long before they get more serious.

Part way up there is a little lookout platform. It’s at maybe 1400 feet. The first time up the trail my taller half was visiting and we went all the way up to the alpine area above the treeline, another 1000 feet up. The next day, I was had sore calves and a sore back. That made it personal – I went back the next week to prove that I could. My lovely intern came with me, and we got up to the lookout in 59:34. This Sunday, I went up again in 50:02. I guess I’m faster with no one to talk to!

The view from the lookout
Coming back down

Because it’s a small town and I’ve been here for more than a month, I saw four people I knew on the trail, including my supervisor from the Forest Service. Next weekend we’ll be out in the field, and the weekend after that I’m back in Seattle for a quick visit, so I’ll won’t get up Gavan again for a bit, but I hope I can keep improving my time, along with my calf muscles!

10 Jul

Sun in Southeast Alaska!

Stop the presses!

Sun in Sitka!

After a couple weeks of rain, drizzle, aggressive misting, rain and more rain, it started to clear up yesterday afternoon and today has been super beautiful and sunny. It could have done this last week, for the holiday weekend, but I’m glad it’s here now. I went partway up Gavan Hill to a little lookout. Gavan Hill is all stairs, it took us 59:34 to the lookout and now I have a time to beat next time I go up.

We met some good dogs on the trail, and also a squirrel.

09 Aug

Back in my hometown

Being back in my hometown, appropriately called Homer, in Alaska, is odd but overall comforting. Ran into a girl my age that I have known off and on even after I moved away, and went to see her very first art show in one of the galleries. It got me thinking to what path I might have taken if I had stayed living here. Not that I am in any regretful of where I am these days, but I want to be an artist too!

Instead, I’ve been hiking (Ressurrection Pass Trail), fishing for halibut, and yesterday took a breath-taking flight across Cook Inlet from Homer to Katmai National Park, where we hiked around the beach at a river mouth and saw half a dozen brown bears. The fish aren’t quite running strong yet, so the bears were mostly being lazy. Sleeping on the side of the river and looking like a beached log kind of lazy. Every so often they’d roll over and stretch. Of course, there were a few walking around in the grass and such as well, and generally just chilling. Pretty damn amazing. And on the way there we flew by a big ol’ glaciated mountain and saw some steam vents indicative of the volcanic activity happening down below. Did I say yet that it was amazing?