17 Aug

Food to feed an army

Your tax dollars at work at local businesses

Let me show where your tax dollars go. They go directly towards supporting local businesses, and to feeding hungry hungry crews of government employees doing field work. We went shopping this morning for food to feed 10 people for 8 or 9 days. Multiply people-days by a per diem, and we had $2670 to spend. That makes about seven shopping carts, and took about two hours of 6 people circling the grocery store.

Not pictured: the carts containing food for vegetarians,

gatorade and pop, dinner for the crew going up today

Us vegetarians got a lot of nuts for protein and fats. The meat-eating majority got a lot of meat. About $800 worth of meat. We got some portabella mushrooms and corn to grill when they are eating steak and burgers.